The development of ideas and our desire to communicate them have always been defining characteristics of humanity. The ways that we can transmit our ideas to remote audiences continues to evolve and is now typically linked to the use of existing or emergent media technology. Institute is interested in these ideas and in the different ways that they are mediated.
We are collaborative and work with a host of local talent from across the disciplines of the arts, design and technology. We have worked with fashion houses, galleries, tech and sports giants through to tv channels and national museums. Our research produces new media platforms and provides the context that makes brands relevant.
Institute connects ideas to audiences. As our culture continues to evolve within a changing world, we explore the nature of ideas and the media technology that will carry the ideas of tomorrow. The research of our network of artists, designers and technologists, explores the cultural nature of ideas, designs solutions for business and brands and develop the media platforms of tomorrow.
To develop the integrity of cultural communications.
We face serious challenges across our culture and planet. We are becoming more divided at the point that we need to be coming together.
We need to be more straight forward. Common sense. honesty- these are good places to build from, good places to find common ground. Tested strategy and honest tactics
We are interested in developing the integrity of cultural communications so that we can talk to each other more clearly and more honestly. We can become less compromised by expectation and can communicate in a multitude of ways that more closely reflect our humanity. This starts with us, in our own communications and carries through to brands if we wish them to convey our values.
Better Ideas for a better future.