The development of ideas and our desire to communicate them have always been defining characteristics of humanity. The ways that we can transmit our ideas to remote audiences continues to evolve and is now typically linked to the use of existing or emergent media technology. Institute is interested in these ideas and in the different ways that they are mediated.


We are collaborative and work with a host of local talent from across the disciplines of the arts, design and technology. We have worked with fashion houses, galleries, tech and sports giants through to tv channels and national museums. Our research produces new media platforms and provides the context that makes brands relevant.


Institute connects ideas to audiences. As our culture continues to evolve within a changing world, we explore the nature of ideas and the media technology that will carry the ideas of tomorrow. The research of our network of artists, designers and technologists, explores the cultural nature of ideas, designs solutions for business and brands and develop the media platforms of tomorrow.

To develop the integrity of cultural communications. 

We face serious challenges across our culture and planet. We are becoming more divided at the point that we need to be coming together.

We need to be more straight forward. Common sense. honesty- these are good places to build from, good places to find common ground. Tested strategy and honest tactics



We are interested in developing the integrity of cultural communications so that we can talk to each other more clearly and more honestly. We can become less compromised by expectation and can communicate in a multitude of ways that more closely reflect our humanity. This starts with us, in our own communications and carries through to brands if we wish them to convey our values.

Better Ideas for a better future.



    If you want to tell people what they should think then it probably follows that you should be quite sure that you are right. How sure are you? If you aren’t 100% sure then it might be wise to develop your argument more. If you are 100% convinced that you are right and you think that this should affect others then you might be heading somewhere very dark indeed. 

    We wouldn’t encounter this uncomfortable spectrum if we didn’t step over the line in the first place. If we acknowledge that we are only building our own arguments, potential ways of thinking, specific fit-for-purpose solutions and theories then we could freely acknowledge that others are also doing the same. A diversity of ideas, and methodologies forms an ecosystem for development, criticism, testing and localised solutions. We gain wisdom from this activity, and confidence from the success of certain approaches but we’ll never resolve a real diversity of ideas. We’re not supposed to. Theories will improve but they will never be defined in isolation. They require their counterparts to make sense. Tension and contradiction are natural aspects of life’s rich tapestry. As we develop the structural integrity of our ideas, we could also have the moral integrity to acknowledge that we are only building out a perspective and if that turns into dogma or ideology, we have stepped over an invisible line. We might be ill equipped to deal with the consequences.

  • “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” 

    George Orwell.


    safe space noun 

    a place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other emotional or physical harm.


    An environment in which people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, harassment or physical harm while pursuing creative endeavours amongst others that may hold a disparate opinions or values. The arts are linked to culture. Criticism is the currency of the arts, it’s the way that we engage and develop. For this reason, productive criticism is encouraged as is responsibility. The freedom for the development of diverse creative voices (critical or otherwise) is a priority and therefore valued above percieved offence. We should encourage creativity, curiosity and communication through dynamic investigations that may produce a variety of conflicting outcomes. We cannot seriously talk about diversity and expect one unifying belief system to hold true for all of society. Vive la difference.


    It’s important that we do not advocate for things that we have not fully investigated. This prevents the spread of potentially bad ideas. If we have not fully considered an idea then it’s likely that we also haven’t considered the consequences.

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This is a wordModern, Postmodern or Metamodern?


The Enlightenment included a range of ideas centered on the value of human happiness, the pursuit of knowledge obtained by means of reason and the evidence of the senses, and ideals such as natural law, liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state.

Given the current state of the world, we should all act more like philosophers in our day-to-day lives.


Postmodernism is associated with relativism and a focus on the role of ideology in the maintenance of economic and political power. Postmodernists are skeptical of explanations which claim to be valid for all groups, cultures, traditions, or races, and instead focuses on the relative truths of each person. 

As a philosophy, postmodernism rejects concepts of rationality, objectivity, and universal truth. Instead, it emphasizes the diversity of human experience and multiplicity of perspectives. 

Diversity, inclusion

What do you value? How do you see the world? Do you have a vision for our shared future? Does you business relate to this? Is your brand simply a window onto your business in motion? Is this guided by your values? Is your brand purely a vehicle for your expression? Is your brand primarily a way to differentiate your business from other businesses? 

We help creatives, business and organisations to resolve these questions and more.





  1. Communicating ideas

  2. Communicating ideas: from concept to culture, from business to brand.  (drill down)

-What this means for business…There is a desire to locate brands within our culture, for business to uphold the wider values of society. If you really want to do this, then you have to do it right. Is this the right thing to do? Who knows? There are very few things in life that are certain. You have to make choices so it’s worth checking those choices as you have to take responsibility for the implications.


We live on the surface of a huge world populated by nearly 8 billion people spread across 7 continents, living in nearly 200 countries. Although the core values that we share unite us as humans, the ways that we decide to categories our differences form the norms and values of our distinct cultures. The value of ‘tribal’ distinction is commonplace across a global map as is the notion of the individual-what they represent, their roles and to varying degrees, their ideas and potential for personal development. 

Capitalist cultures are devoting an increasing amount of energy into developing these distinctions. Sometime they may feel tribal, as they define they parameters of a belief, an area of interest but are often a system for personal identity. Distinctions are applied to business, where the source of products or services must be clearly defined. We often add a layer to this and we measure it in terms of it’s value- monetary or otherwise. This product, service or idea is from this company and it is better than the other offerings because of…something.

For the individual with access to media mechanisms at an early age, that offer a window into their life, they are now encouraged to see themselves as a package that might be unique but should be easily understood by others. They are encouraged to adopt systems that help them to develop this persona. These frameworks, starting with identification and encompassing status or reputation, with recognisable outputs or behaviours, place some kind of pin on the cultural map. These pins might represent an individual, an idea, a group or business. They might be made from a host of different materials, might come in all shapes and sizes, might form patterns across the map or delight in breaking those patterns. Their number is probably beyond our ability to measure and we call them brand.


Current blurb on enterprise nation -  approved business mentor on the Help to grow initiative.

  • Enterprise Nation exists to shortcut your route to trusted business support.Founded by Emma Jones CBE in 2005, Enterprise Nation has grown to a community of over 120,000 people, all of whom are doing amazing things. We are passionate about supporting people to start and grow their own successful businesses and representing their views to the government and media.

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Reasons to have a mentor

  • Since mentors, by definition, have more experience than their mentees, they look at the world from a different perspective. They also see situations differently than someone who is just getting started in that same space. As a result, mentors have a refreshing and different point of view that the mentee may have otherwise never considered.

  • A mentor often performs many leadership duties, such as inspiring their mentees, providing guidance, and even solving taxing problems. They may also give constructive feedback to their mentees. Developing these skills will help you become a better leader in the future.

  • Entrepreneurs tend to like ‘going alone’. If I had my time again, I would have had several mentors over the years and learned many valuable lessons from each and every one of them. From not making certain business decisions to fostering certain partnerships, a mentor can help guide you through your entrepreneurial journey.

  • Your mentor has already acquired a variety of valuable contacts that could be out of reach to you. Your mentor can facilitate access and open doors for you giving you the opportunity to make it and as well grow your network. Networking opportunities are a brilliant way to grow your business.

  • I have mentored several mentees, the one thing I have been thanked for several times is that their confidence has grown through the mentoring process. Things will get tough, you will make mistakes, and you’ll wonder if it’s truly worth the stress in your life, having a mentor can give you that inner power to reach your goals and help you realise that you do have the ability to succeed.

Reasons for a consultant

  • Sometimes it’s difficult to solve your own problems because you’re just too involved. You might just be so close to the problem that you’re missing an obvious solution. When there are tough decisions to be made, sometimes it’s easier to leave it to an expert who isn’t personally involved or emotionally invested.

    Business consultants are experts in their field. They’ve helped numerous other companies to work through similar issues and they know what’s worked in the past. This experience means that they can bring new and innovative ideas that you might not have thought of yourself.

    When you hire a business consultant, you’ll get a new perspective on whatever problems you’re facing, from an outsider’s point of view.

  • No matter how important the problem is, sometimes you just don’t have the time to dedicate to solving it. You’ve still got your day-to-day business to focus on and finding the time to resolve your challenges just feels impossible.

    You could hire a new employee to give you the time to focus on the issue at hand, but you know it’ll only be temporary and training a new employee can be time-consuming.

  • Hiring a business consultant is a great way to outsource your problems to a professional. They’re used to moving around different companies, which means they’ll get to know your business quickly with minimal training required. And most importantly – you can continue with your day-to-day operations so your business doesn’t suffer either.You have a tactical project you are struggling to complete our to resource or expertise