For some reason, we have decided that values are a component of a brand. What are values? Why do we value values? Why do we think that they belong in industry? We are often talking about base line things that human beings cherish. Then we use the word value again to describe the desirability of a thing. The second use is probably in play to describe the things that we value that are different to money but might be worth money. An example could be in describing the desirability of an object that performs the same function as another but is understood to have a more compelling form. Another example could be in measuring the desirability of advice of expertise-your expertise added value to this project. It’s a little quirky and the meaning requires context, but it is widespread now. This all seems very complicated but dealing with values feels like it should be the simplest thing in the world. They are built in, they define us, and yet when we come to branding everyone wants to state unique values. It’s the contradiction in the fact that our values are largely shared across our culture and the conflicting desire to define individual brands by a unique set, that makes things confusing. Let’s start at the top…